Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Press release

18.12.2009 'CARBOOCEAN hunting for CO2' shown in Copenhagen (15:00-15:30)

15.12.2009 'CARBOOCEAN hunting for CO2' shown in Copenhagen (15:00-15:30) 

13.12.2009 'CARBOOCEAN hunting for CO2' shown in Copenhagen (16:30-17:00)

12.12.2009 'CARBOOCEAN hunting for CO2' shown in Copenhagen (16:30-17:00)

04.12.2009 'CO2-opptaket i havet svekkes' in På Høyden.  

03.12.2009 'What lies beneath - the planet's ability to absorb carbon dioxide is under investigation' in The Economist. 

30.11.2009 'Important results from EU 'Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment' CARBOOCEAN' in the Parliament Magazine.

28.11.2007 'CarboOcean - havets rolle i CO2-regnskapet' shown on Norwegian tv station NRK2.

27.11.2007 'Ustabilt hav' interview with Andrea Volbers in På Høyden.

03.11.2009 'EC-Project CARBOOCEAN calls for greater reduction of CO2 emissions - web broadcast released' press release by European Commision RESEARCH.

03.11.2009 'EC-Project CARBOOCEAN calls for greater reduction of CO2 emissions - web broadcast released' press release by CARBOOCEAN and EC.

15.10.2009 CARBOOCEAN fact sheets are available.

13.10.2009 "Surt hav gir bekymring" in Bergens Tidende.

12.10.2009 "Oceans' ability to absorb carbon on the decline" article about CARBOOCEAN IP in 

01.10.2009 "Press release for the forth annual meeting" by C. Heinze.

15.09.2009 "Die Rache des Ozeans" radio interview with A. Watson and C. Heinze in Deutschlandfunk. 

18.08.2009  Article about the CAIBOX cruise by Aida Rios in UTM. 

07.08.2009 "Ozone Depletion Reduces Ocean Carbon uptake" by A. Lenton and N. Metzl in ScienceDaily. 

06.08.2009 "Ozone depletion reduces ocean carbon uptake" by A. Lenton and N. Metzl in AGU journal highlights.

10.07.2009 "Ozone hole shrinks atmospheric CO2 uptake in Southern Ocean" by A. Lenton and N. Metzl in EC CORDIS.

10.07.2009 "Ozone hole shrinks atmospheric CO2 uptake in Southern Ocean" by A. Lenton and N. Metzl in EC Research Information Centre.

22.06.2009 “The ozone hole reduces atmospheric CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean” with N. Metzl in CNRS 

17.06.2009 “El CO2 de origen humano en el Atlántico es mayor del previstoUn vehíc Hydrogen” with A. Rios in Publico

17.06.2009 “Científicos hallan un nivel de carbono en el Atlánticoque perjudica la vida marina”with A. Rios in La Opinion

17.06.2009 “El CO2 de origen humano en el marsupera las previsiones y ya afecta al ecosistema” with A. Rios in Farode Vigo

17.06.2009 “El oceano Atlantico tiens mas CO2 delo que se creia” with A. Rios in El Correo Gallego

17.06.2009 “Alerta en el océanoAtlántico” with A. Rios in Diario de Pontevedra

17.06.2009 “El Atlantico almacena un 13% mas deCO2 de origen humano que lo estimado” with A. Rios in ABC

17.06.2009 “La cantidad de carbono deorigen humano en el Atlántico es mayor delo que se estimaba hasta ahora” with A. Rios in Ciencas Naturales

17.06.2009 “La cantidad de carbono de origen humano en el Atlánticoes mayor de lo que se estimaba hasta ahora” with A. Rios in OEI

17.06.2009 “La cantidad de carbono deorigen humano en el Atlántico es mayor de lo quese estimaba” with A. Rios in CSIC

16.06.2009 “El Atlántico contiene másCO2 'humano' de lo que se pensaba” with A. Rios in Ciencia

16.06.2009 “El Atlántico almacena un 13por ciento más de CO2 antropogénico de lo quese pensaba hasta ahora, según el CSIC” with A. Rios in MedioAmbiente

15.02.2009 "Climate heating up faster than we thought, top scientists warn" with N. Metzl in Times online.

13.02.2009 "The ocean less effective at absorbing CO2 emitted by human activity" with N. Metzl in


01.01.2009 "OISO (Océan Indien service d'observation)" with N. Metzl in CNRS.

09.12.2008 "Ozone hole weakens ozeanic carbon sink" by Anna Barnett in Nature News.

02.12.2008 "CARBOOCEAN 4th annual meeting"press announcement from Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.

21.04.2008 "Surprising CO2 data obtained in the North Atlantic" press release by Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.

18.04.2008 'EGU: North Atlantic Ocean may regain status as carbon sink' by U. Schuster and C. Heinze in Nature blog.

17.04.2008  Radiointerview by the ORF with Marion Gehlen and Ute Schuster from the EGU in Vienna.

14.04.2008 'CARBOOCEAN: How much man-made CO2 can the ocean absorb' press conference at EGU 2008.

15.01.2008 'Oceans are becoming CO2 saturated' in European News.

12.02.2008 Radio interview with Christoph Heinze in NRK. 

05.12.2008 Radio interview with Christoph Heinze in Deutschlandfunk.

14.12.2007 "Havet tar opp en firedel av våre CO2-utslipp" by A. Volbers and C. Heinze in Klima.

12.12.2007 "CARBOOCEAN - how much CO2 does the ocean take up?" by C. Heinze in Meta.

01.12.2007 'Le CO2 entre ciel et mer' in Research EU.

01.12.2007 'CARBOOCEAN third annual meeting on“Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks”' press realese by University of Bergen.

01.12.2007 'CARBOOCEAN annual conference in Bremen' press release by CORDIS.

05.12.2007 "Halde fuer CO2" by F. Grotelueschen in Deutschlandfunk.

26.11.2007 "CARBOOCEAN" by C. Heinze and A. Volbers in The Parliament. 

21.11.2007 "Brukar frakteskip til forsking" in På Høyden (University of Bergen).

13.11.2007 'Plankton: Klimatschutzhilfe mit Risiken' in das Energieportal.

13.11.2007 'Plankton: Klimatschutzhilfe mit Risiken' in Innovationreport

12.11.2008 'Plankton als Klimaretter' in scinexx.

12.11.2007 "Plankton kan ta toppen av CO2-utslippende" in På Høyden (University of Bergen).

11.11.2007 'Nature study: Scienists discover biological mechanism for enhanced carbon consumtion in the ocean' in Informationsdienst Wissenscahft.

11.11.2007 'L'océan adsorbe moins de CO, ce qui risque d'accélérer le réchauffement climatatique' in EurActiv.

10.11.2007 "Havet forsures under økte CO2 utslipp" press release by Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

29.10.2007 'CarboOcean: Oceans soak up less CO2' in Kent in Europe.

25.10.2007 'CarboOcean: Marine carbin sources and sinks assessment' in Cordis Focus.

24.10.2007 "New EU-Funded CARBOOSCHOOLS Project" by A. Volbers in Bjerknes Times.

22.10.2007 "North Atlantic uptake of CO2 halves over the last decade" by A. Watson and U. Schuster in Green Car Congress.

20.10.2007 "Oceans seen soaking up less CO2" by A. Watson and U. Schuster in Reuters.

12.10.2007 "Overrasket, men glad!" by J. Johannessen on Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research homepage.

15.06.2007 "Global Change and Ecosystems" in Nytt om EU-Forskningen Nr. 2, page 13.

15.05.2008 "Climate change affects Southern Ocean carbon sink" press release by University of Anglia by C. Le Quéré based on their paper in SCIENCE.  

03.05.2007 'Mussels and oysters threatened by Ocean Acidification' in Science for Environment Policy.

20.04.2007 "Imaq aamma silaannaap allanngoriartornera / Havet og klimaforandringerne" in Royal Arctic Nr. 38, page 20 and 21.

20.04.2007 "Teacher-Scientist Partnerships for Global Change Education" by Philippe Saugier.

20.04.2007 "CARBOOCEAN FP6-511176-2" by Aida Rios.

14.02.2007 "Klimapuffer Tiefsee: Kieler Forscher weisen CO2-Anstieg im tiefen Ozean nach" press release by IFM-Geomar.

01.02.2007 "Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment" CORDIS Showcase.

01.02.2007 "De første CO2-ofrene?" video documentation publihed on by Univisjon.

07.12.2006 "El debilitamiento de los oceanos para absorber CO2 contribuira a acelerar el calentamiento global" in La Provincia/Diario de Las Palmas.

05.12.2006 "Expertos de 13 paises analizan en Canarias el cambio termico" in Canarias7.

27.11.2006 "Segunda reunión anual CARBOOCEAN: Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks" press release by Universida de Las Palmas.

27.11.2006 "CARBOOCEAN second annual meeting" press release by University of Bergen.

27.11.2006 "CARBOOCEAN andre årsmøte" press release by University of Bergen.

18.11.2006 "Las empresas no estan educadas para oir a los cientificos" by Aida Rios in Atlantico.

17.11.2006 " El Hesperides fue como hacer la mili: todos los dias tocaban diana" in Ideal.

27.09.2006 "Surt hav truer korallrev" by Torill Nordeng in Aftenposten.

27.09.2006 "Gefährliches Treibhausgas" tv interview with Ulf Riebesell in "Abenteuer Wissen" in ZDF.

07.09.2006 "CarboSchools project 2006" by Andrea Volbers in Bjerknes Times.

06.09.2007 "Gran Canaria y el cambio climático : debates en diciembre-2006"

05.09.2006 "Forskerspirer på tokt" in Bergens Tidende.

23.08.2006 "CARBOOCEAN cruise with R/V G. O. Sars" by Are Olsen in Bjerknes Times.

15.08.2006 "Klimaendringer truer livet langs norskekysten" press release for Aftenposten.

12.08.2006 "Gran Canaria atraera den diciembre la investigacion del CO2 marino y su efecto en el cambio climatico" in La Provincia/Diario de Las Palmas

03.08.2006 "Carboocean: midiendo el CO2 del Atlántico" in TURCON - Weblog del Colectivo Ecologista de Telde (Gran Canaria, Spain)

11.07.2006 TV interview with Jean-Pierre Gattuso and Jim Orr in Journal Soir 3, France3. 

04.07.2006 "Acidic Seawater Endangering Marine Life" in Inter Press Service News Agency.

04.07.2006 "CARBOOCEAN summer school 2006" by Andrea Volbers in Bjerknes Times.

19.06.2006 "L’océan de plus en plus acide" by S. Fougart in Le Monde.

16.06.2006 "Broeikasgassen gemeten op Noordzee" in Tiscali.nieuws.

15.06.2006 "RUG meet broeikasgassen op Noordzee vanaf NAM-platform" by H.A.J Meijer in Univerity of Groningen News.

09.06.2006 TV interview with Jean-Pierre Gattuso and Jim Orr in Journal de 13h, France 2. 

20.06.2006 "Verdens klimaelite samles i Bergen" press release by the University of Bergen.

20.06.2006 TV interview with Jean-Pierre Gattuso and Jim Orr in Journal de 20h, TF1. 

13.06.2006 "CARBOOCEAN - Marine carbon sources and sinks assessments" by C. Heinze in Imber Update issue No.3 -June 2006).

07.04.2006 "Les singulières relations du monde marin et du CO2"

07.04.2006 "Ocean Acidification and its Effect on the Marine Biosphere" press declaration for European Geophysical Union 2006.

29.04.2006 "Er det for sent å snu?" interview with Christoph Heinze published in Klassekampen by Åse Brandvold and Anders Horn.

20.02.2006 "FNs klimapanel til Bergen" press release by the University of Bergen.

15.02.2006 "Mysteries of the Ocean: The unique relationship between the sea and CO2" in Magazine on European Research (N° 48, Feb. 2006)

16.01.2006 "CarboSchools: Partenariats chercheurs-Enseignants sur le changement climatique"

15.01.2006 Publishable Executive summary: Integrated Project "CARBOOCEAN" by Christoph Heinze.

12.01.2006 CarboSchool booklet "What we know, what we don't know & how we try to better understand global change" by Philippe Saugier.

07.12.2005  "Les oceans deviennent de plus en plus acides" television interview with Nicolas Metzl and Jim Orr in France 2

01.12.2005 'Atlantic feels climate heat' comment in Nature online.

28.11.2005 "CARBOOCEAN første årsmote, Havets kilder og sluk for karbon" press release by Truls Johannessen.

18.11.2005 "CARBOOCEAN first annual meeting on Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks" press release.

17.11.2005 "CARBOOCEAN first annual meeting on “Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks” (EU FP6) in innovations report.

17.11.2005 "Europese Bedrijven Steunen Actief het Onderzoek van de Kooldioxide Opname in de Noordzee" press release by Hein de Baar.

15.11.2005 "CARBOOCEAN - das Integrierte EU Projekt zur Kohlenstoffdioxidaufnahme durch den Ozean" by Christoph Heinze in DGM-Mitteilungen.

02.11.2005 Radio interview in Oceano radio.

01.11.2005 "Die Ozeane werden sauer" in National Geographic Deutschland

27.10.2005  Radio interview with Fiz F. Perez in Radio Galega about the CARBOOCEAN project and the CARIOCA mooring

24.10.2005  Radio interview with Aida F. Rios in Radio Voz about the CARBOOCEAN project

23.10.2005 "El Ocampo zarpa desde Vigo para medir el cambio climático" in Dominigo.

13.10.2005 "El mar se vuelve más ácido y caliente, con efectos impredecibles para las especies" by Raúl Romar in La tierra se Calienta.

09.10.2005 "La elocuencia del mar" by Melchor González Dávila in La Provincia, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

20.07.2005 "Saures Meer - bricht die Nahrungskette zusammen?" by Dirk Neumann in "Wie - wie Wissen".

02.06.2005 "Tester fremtidens hav" by John Lindebottten in Bergens Tidende.

12.05.2005 "Reportaxe.- O Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas centra as súas indagacións no medio mariño e nos seus habitantes" by Carlos Fernández published in Axencia Galega de Noticias.

10.04.2005 "La RevistA- suplemento dominical de Atlántico Diario" by Rosé Carrera published in Atlántico.

09.02.2005 "Forsker på CO2 - opptak i havet" by John Lindebotten and Tor Sponga published in Bergens Tidende.

08.02.2005 "Following the carbon cycle" by Kjerstin Gengedal and Monika Voit published by the University of Bergen.

05.02.2005 "Følgjer karbonsyklusen" by Kjerstin Gjengedal published by the University of Bergen.

03.02.2005 "Måler hva fisken tåler - Leder stor CO2-forskning" by Ola Henning Målsnes publihed in Bergens Avisen.

16.09.2005 "EU-millioner til forskning på havets CO2-opptak og kreftceller" in På Høyden (University of Bergen).


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