Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 14: European Integration

Leader: Martin Heimann

- To establish an atmospheric modelling framework in European regional seas.
- To provide first estimates on air/sea CO2 fluxes in European regional seas including uncertainty
- To provide first estimate of the European carbon balance including marginal seas (North Sea and
W. Mediterranean).
- To evaluate the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon fluxes estimates to CO2 air-sea fluxes with an
inverse modelling approach.
- To design preliminary scenarios for reduction of atmospheric emissions and water discharges of
carbon compounds for the year 2010, and 2020, including costs and socio-economic impacts.

Description of work
- Atmospheric measurements (task leader H. Meijer):
- Establishment of atmospheric monitoring station in the North Sea and test system of continuous
measurements of for CO2, the O2/N2 ratio, for flask measurements of 13CO2, CH4 and CO and for
wind selective measurements of 14CO2 Preparation of cruise sampling in the Med. (partner 25)
- Integrative European Carbon balance (task leader M. Heimann):
- Set up of atmospheric modelling framework based on the global transport model TM3 together
with the nested regional mesoscale model REMO. Gridded source fields of CO2 and O2
(seasonal, mean annual and interannual) over the European coastal and marginal seas will be
compiled. (partner 12)
- Mitigation strategies and scenario estimates (task leader J. Pacyna):
- Collection/estimation of data available for individual European countries on energy use,
economic development, CO2 emission projections for the years2010, and 2020.
- Design of preliminary set of emission scenarios for 2010 and 2020 (BAU/POT/DEG)
- Development/improvement of procedures for cost/benefit analysis for different emission
- Scenarios taking into account the associated socio-economic impacts. (partner 29, 38)

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