Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 21
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Work Package 21: Training

Leader: Janusz Pempkowiak

- To train and educate young researchers (PhDs and postdocs) being employed on the project to
make them better prepared to take on their CARBOOCEAN research duties. To train them in
research approaches, -theories, -methodologies through local lectures, staff exchanges,
secondments, research theses work, lectures, intensive summer courses, and an interactive
training web service.
- To facilitate the participation of external young researcher in CARBOOCEAN research by
offering participation in intensive courses and the CARBOOCEAN web based training facility.
- To train multipliers working at secondary school level in marine carbon cycle research, and
facilitate access to educational materials in order to disseminate these resources to a large
number of teachers and young people in Europe.

Description of work
Month 1: Preparation of web based training and education material will start (partner 1,31 and 39)
Month 2: Announcement of the summer courses for postdocs and PhD to be held summer 2005 and
summer 2006 and the seminar to be held at month 13. (partner 31)
Month 2: Setting up of an informal web based advisory group with interested postdocs and PhD
students for identification of relevant educational scopes for secondary school (partner 39);
Month 4: Plans for exchange, secondments presented on web ( partner 1 and 31)
Month 3-18: Local lectures, PhD and post doc training, staff visits and secondments will takes place
(all partners)
Month 6: Arrangement of the summer course 2005 in Vigo (partner 5 and 6)
Month 13: Hold first annual research training seminar at project meeting (partner 1,4,5,9)

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