Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 19: Data and information management

Leader: Benjamin Pfeil

Provide a continuous data management: IFREMER (real time data), WDC-MARE (other).
Provide a continuous information management (information, communication, www, publication,
support of dissemination, etc.).

Description of work
Data management comprises:
- the data actions: rescue; acquisition; harmonisation; assimilation; formatting; processing; archival; integration;
quality control; attribution to PI; documentation; sharing; online access; long term preservation; synthesis;
dissemination; visualisation. Providing existing multidisciplinary data sets (e.g., WOCE, JGOFS, etc.)
- the management components: networking among the scientific partners; networking among the database partners;
creating a distributed European data system (CARBOOCEAN IP portal/gateway) according to international
standards and protocols (ISO, SOAP, WSDL, XML); structuring and organising data flow between themes, WGs,
etc.; providing access to all CARBOOCEAN data (observed and modelled data); elaborating a comprehensive short
term (data rescue) and long term (data preservation) data management plan; providing an appropriate data policy
with respect to ESF and ICSU/CODATA “Good scientific practice in research” 1,2, the WIPO copyright treaty 3,
and the DOE-NIH Guidelines for Sharing Data and Resources 4; organising and participating to regular data and
information management meetings.
Information management comprises:
- a sophisticated communication module to guarantee efficient and smooth flow of information: creating a
CARBOOCEAN IP Information Service Center (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, WDC-MARE); supplying
a pivotal communication platform (communication server, document server, electronic mailing lists, web sites,
clearing house, etc.); providing access to the international alliance WDC/ICSU; developing and maintaining the
central www based project portal to all stakeholders; elaborate user interfaces scalable for different stakeholders;
develop and maintain links to groups with complementary/overlapping scientific interest/issues and/or institutional
overlap: FP6 NofE EurOceans, Carbo Europe IP, Hermes IP; SCOR/IGBP IMBER, SOLAS; IOC IOCCP; etc.

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