Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 9: Anthropogenic carbon and decadal changes in carbon inventory

Leader: Aida Rios

- To establish optimal methods to assess anthropogenic CO2 inventories and temporal change.
- To apply these methods in combination with existing and new highest accuracy data in order to
quantify the inventory of anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans.

Description of work
- Evaluate and test methods suited to generation of 2nd-level data products (e.g. gridded data sets)
and recommend methods for comparing location-specific data assembled under WP8 with
model output (partner 15 in consultation with partners 6, 11)
- Document and evaluate existing empirical methods of estimating Cant from field observations
through literature review and a workshop involving CARBOOCEAN and US partners. (partners
11 and 3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 23, 32, 37, 39)
- Ocean carbon cycle model simulations (partners 6, 11) will generate artificial data sets of “perfectly
known” Cant together with the key properties measured during expeditions (see list in
WP8). These fields will be made publicly available.
- On the basis of the review and the model-based evaluation, an optimal approach or set of approaches
will be selected for application to the field data collection in the next phase of the project.

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