Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 21
Work Package 22
Work Package 23
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Work Package 22: Dissemination, exploitation and management of knowledge

Leader: Andrea Volbers

- To organise a system for and carry out dissemination of the knowledge created by
CARBOOCEAN, beyond the project partners to a wider community and potential users of the
- To ensure that intellectual property rights are obeyed and enforced.
- To document, archive, and conserve project results as well as deliverables so that they are
available as start points to other projects and research programmes.
- To document the experiences with the new instrument “Integrated Project” to help guiding future
research programmes.

Description of work
- The WP will organise, carry out and monitor the dissemination activities of the project through
a number of planned activities and instruments
- Establish publicly assessable project web service with related protocol for updating information
on activities, techniques, and results of the project – will include calendar of courses/events,
press release system, contact point.
- Establish secure web service (password protected), for internal project communication.
- IPR panel will watch that intellectual property rights are obeyed and enforced (partner 1 with
support from all).
- Begin production of documentary filming (partner 1).
- Begin publication efforts based on results of Project results (peer-reviewed journals). (all
- Begin preparation for first public seminar (Atlantic Ocean –CO2 sink or source?)Non-project
members will be invited to relevant meetings and workshops (partner 1 with support from all).
(Partner 9)
- Knowledge Management Plan updated based on monitoring of activities as a basis for
exploitation of project results.
- Model codes and selected results will be archived in a centralised repository (partners 1 and 16
with support from all).
- Experiences with the new instrument “IP” will be summarised and forwarded to the EU
(partner 1 with support from all).

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