Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment

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Work Package 17: Coupled climate carbon cycle simulations

Leader: Laurent Bopp

- To compile standardised anthropogenic CO2 emission scenarios.
- To provide standard set ups of coupled carbon-climate models including simulations for the
- To provide predictions of ocean carbon sources and sinks with the standard model configurations
for a standard emission scenario 2000-2100.
- To provide interfaces for the new feedback processes as investigated under WP 16 and core
theme 4.

Description of work
- Realistic anthropogenic CO2 emission scenarios are compiled in relation to the forthcoming
IPCC assessment report. (partner 12)
- 5 prognostic-coupled general circulation carbon cycle climate models are integrated in forward
mode for present greenhouse gas forcing (OPA/PISCES at CEA France, CCM at Bern Switzerland,
OM1/HAMOCC at MPI Met Germany – link to COSMOS project, BCM at Bergen Norway,
HADLEY at Southampton UK). These models include interactive carbon cycle modules
for land and/or ocean. (partners 1, 6, 12, 28, 33, 34)
A new isopycnal ocean biogeochemistry module for BCM will be implemented on the basis of
HAMOCC. (partners 1, 28)
A new ocean carbon cycle model will be implemented in CCM. (partner 11)
- The same models will be integrated in forward mode for one standard future emission scenario
(OPA/PISCES, CCM, OM1/HAMOCC, BCM, HADLEY). (partners 1, 6, 12, 28, 33, 34)
- The model codes will be prepared to take up new feedback processes as investigated under
WP16 depending on the progress in WP16. ). (partners 1, 6, 12, 28, 33, 34)

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